by Michael Bailey | May 13, 2017 | Crime & Punishment, Cyber Warfare & State Security, Technology/Internet |
I’ve been a Mac person since 1993. There was never a question for me. Since that time, and after Microsoft launched its first Windows platform, the main reason individuals and companies chose Microsoft over Mac, was cost savings, and, where applicable, compatibility with specialized business software. Beyond that, the arguments of a quality interface and superior build of Macs were lost on anyone who’s eyes glazed over after two technical words in a sentence, or grossly misunderstood that Macs were only for artists.
But that was then. This is now. Enter the online age of malware, identity theft, and extortion.
Ransomeware is the nastiest thing in cyberspace, short of having a loved one taken hostage. It’s been going on for years. It’s getting worse, and it will get even more worse, when it breaks out further in the U.S. I already know someone here in CT, who has been victimized by ransomeware. A local documentary film producer who had his media files locked until he forked over 2K in bitcoin.
If you own a company that must use software which has absolutely no reasonable second option that is compatible with a Mac, then you’ve painted yourself into a corner, and are stuck in a very dangerous place. It won’t be easy, will be expensive, and will take time, but you and your company need to plan an exit strategy out of Windows now. (No pun intended.) Pay now, or pay much more later.
If you are a company, or an individual, who is not reliant on Windows for specific software, and has reasonable software options on the Mac platform, then, I’m not sure I can find any logical reason for you to stick with Microsoft.
Yes, it will be a large annoyance, and increased cost to switch over, but unless you are impossibly strapped for cash, you are playing with fire, and ultimately running the risk of spending/losing so much more than the initial expense of a changeover.
Windows has always been inferior to Mac’s OS against security threats. Don’t take my word for it. Read up on your own. The security gulf will likely never be narrowed because the native Mac architecture is designed ground-up to protect your files more.
As far as I’m concerned, the justification for dumping Windows, has never been more compelling. With ransomeware and increased security threats sweeping the globe, I don’t know why anyone would even consider buying a PC over a Mac today.
If any of my FB friends here need help or advice to switch over, I’m happy to help you make the switch. Just let me know, and we’ll talk off line.
by Michael Bailey | Nov 18, 2015 | Technology/Internet |
The concept and vision of “net neutrality” is easily expressed. Its far more difficult to protect, given the manipulative tendencies of corporate behavior, and millions spent on lobbying.
Cell providers and internet giants never do anything without profit, and/or market domination in mind. It is so easy to tempt consumers with immediate gratification bait, like those described below, that the long term consequences to individuals, their personal choice, and freedom, are completely lost to us, as we “opt in”, to yet another fantastic offer that serves up ten more ways to lose ourselves in media and product consumption.
As a T-Mobile customer, I received this announcement in my email, and I plan on disabling it because of what I believe it represents. To be sure, my decision is less difficult than say, a permissive parent’s with two teenagers in the household, but I could go on about how that could be handled better as well. Hint: It’s not the kids fault.
I use my phone first as a communication device. I don’t like spending lengthy time looking at a palm size screen for anything, be it texting, or entertainment. It’s not good for the eyes, neck, mind, attention span, and every other ergonomic rule of good practice imaginable. I also believe the best way to access online data, other than a direct connection, is via WiFi, not through a cell phone data stream.
There are many privacy and security issues we face as digital consumer animals now. It’s going to get even more complicated, and we are going to become more vulnerable before things reach a point that (hopefully) serve us, and the noblest visions, most fairly.
If you’re not a streaming addict that can’t find a way to live without more, more, more video in your life, through your phone service, please disable the T-Mobile Binge On setting on your account. Its a Trojan Horse, and you do not need it.
by Michael Bailey | Mar 2, 2014 | Ideas & Concepts, Technology/Internet |
I’ve gone back and forth on what to do with blog technology.
I waffled for years among a myriad of choices and creative approaches between building a site with higher social or communication purpose, and building something of a more self absorbed level. These two routes, while full of colorfully different approaches from the 152 million? blog practitioners, summarize the bulk of blogs. Slightly more expansive, and comically harsh is Roz Chast’s perception.
I lump her entire pie chart under the self absorption category, but I do add in a second category for the altruistic, teaching, and helping nature of other blog sites that also (thankfully) exist online. I admire the people behind those sites. Those are the blogs that can make a difference, big and small, in people’s lives. My site is not, directly, one of those types of sites. 😉 Although I do try and bring worthy news to visitors, this site also includes my personal contributions of varied creative forays, of no determined value to anyone who comes upon them. All of this, one way or the other, is born of my own need to broadcast something of myself into the webosphere. So maybe I’m a little bit of both categories. At least, as of this writing. 😉
I’ve been trying to get more serious and purposeful over the years, since I started doing this. After all, ranting about tailgaters, crooked politicians, and greedy corporations, gets old quick. Its something one needs to keep in check. If for no other reason, than to preserve sanity.
I’ve grown self conscious of taking up valuable bandwidth without a more decisive direction. Maybe, I’ll sell something, or “try to.” Maybe I’ll find a voice that gives me, and my audience, deeper connections with the content.
Thank you for visiting, and deciding your time is worth any time on my site.
For another side, please visit my work site, where you can deliberate any number of ideas on how to hire me. I could use the money to pay for car repairs. Thanks. 😉