by Michael Bailey | Apr 5, 2014 | Ideas & Concepts, Words Etc |

Click for feature story.
In order to successfully complete the Certificate Program for Desktop Publishing at CUNY in New York, I had to prove proficiency in the layout skills I was taught. I chose to create a magazine column layout with a feature story and images. The exam did not call for real text. Dummy text was acceptable, but I couldn’t bring myself to leave it there. I decided to write an entire fictional piece to be the host home for my layout presentation. Images, text, magazine title, sidebars, all fictionally created. Needless to say, the writing required far more work, than the design. Of course, I got an A!.;)
PS: All the images were culled from random locations and not used with permission. I apologize to anyone who felt exploited. In fact, I know the man on the cover of my story was/is a famous singer songwriter. That’s an album cover of his. The image of him was so perfect for my storyline, I had no choice but to use it. I wish I could remember his name. Please let me know if you recognize him. Its been driving me crazy. Thank you! 😉
by Michael Bailey | Mar 2, 2014 | Ideas & Concepts, Technology/Internet |
I’ve gone back and forth on what to do with blog technology.
I waffled for years among a myriad of choices and creative approaches between building a site with higher social or communication purpose, and building something of a more self absorbed level. These two routes, while full of colorfully different approaches from the 152 million? blog practitioners, summarize the bulk of blogs. Slightly more expansive, and comically harsh is Roz Chast’s perception.

I lump her entire pie chart under the self absorption category, but I do add in a second category for the altruistic, teaching, and helping nature of other blog sites that also (thankfully) exist online. I admire the people behind those sites. Those are the blogs that can make a difference, big and small, in people’s lives. My site is not, directly, one of those types of sites. 😉 Although I do try and bring worthy news to visitors, this site also includes my personal contributions of varied creative forays, of no determined value to anyone who comes upon them. All of this, one way or the other, is born of my own need to broadcast something of myself into the webosphere. So maybe I’m a little bit of both categories. At least, as of this writing. 😉

I’ve been trying to get more serious and purposeful over the years, since I started doing this. After all, ranting about tailgaters, crooked politicians, and greedy corporations, gets old quick. Its something one needs to keep in check. If for no other reason, than to preserve sanity.
I’ve grown self conscious of taking up valuable bandwidth without a more decisive direction. Maybe, I’ll sell something, or “try to.” Maybe I’ll find a voice that gives me, and my audience, deeper connections with the content.
Thank you for visiting, and deciding your time is worth any time on my site.
For another side, please visit my work site, where you can deliberate any number of ideas on how to hire me. I could use the money to pay for car repairs. Thanks. 😉