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The Trump administration is giving schools more flexibility in the meals they serve. Critics say the rollback on school lunch rules is bad for kids’ health.

I don’t read a shred of rational logic in any part of this decision. It’s nearly incomprehensible that this rollback could be justified by anyone with a straight face. When the logic is hard to see, the real reason is almost always one thing. Money.

School lunches are healthier than they were five years ago. But Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue says schools need more flexibility in serving meals that kids will eat.

“If kids are not eating what is being served, they are not benefiting, and food is being wasted,” Perdue said in a statement announcing a rule that is set to be published later this month.

The rule will give administrators more leeway in serving up white breads, biscuits, tortillas and white pastas by requiring that only half of the grains served in school meals each week be whole-grain rich. Currently schools are only allowed to serve whole grain-rich breads and pastas unless they get a waiver. In addition, the administration is putting the brakes on the targets developed during the Obama administration to cut back on sodium.

Read the full article. More Salt, Fewer Whole Grains: USDA Eases School Lunch Nutrition Rules –