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The Problem with the Long View

Tyler Cowen argues, in his new book The Complacent Class, that Americans are in a period of stagnation because we are doing less and less of what made us successful in the past: embracing change, moving to different parts of the country and associating with different kinds of people.

A good read. Overall, makes sense to me, though…

Though optimism is always welcome, here it’s awkward, because author, Cowen, frames it only in relative terms. That’s all good, if you want to play long view, historical, cyclical, and all that, but in the real world time frames, where people manage, and de facto, “live” their lives, in five or ten year increments of hopes and expectations, academic longview optimism is not helpful.

The upside to Cowen’s optimism, if you want to board the Good Ship Lollipop, is a less turbulent outlook for today’s newborns, and hopefully, the kids that follow them.

All I know is, right now, things suck for a lot of people, and it looks that way for a wide demographic in addition to young adults entering the mainstream. So it’s  just as easy enough to make the contrary argument as well. Especially since it’s not a prediction. It’s in our faces in the present moment.

America’s ‘Complacent Class’: How Self-Segregation Is Leading To Stagnation
by Heidi Glenn

Tyler Cowen, Via NPR – March 2, 2017
In a new book, The Complacent Class, economist Tyler Cowen argues the country is standing still….

The Right Way to Say ‘I’m Sorry’

The Right Way to Say ‘I’m Sorry’



Via NYTimes, By

Most people say “I’m sorry” many times a day for a host of trivial affronts – accidentally bumping into someone or failing to hold open a door. These apologies are easy and usually readily accepted, often with a response like, “No problem.”

But when “I’m sorry” are the words needed to right truly hurtful words, acts or inaction, they can be the hardest ones to utter. And even when an apology is offered with the best of intentions, it can be seriously undermined by the way in which it is worded. Instead of eradicating the emotional pain the affront caused, a poorly worded apology can result in lasting anger and antagonism, and undermine an important relationship.

I admit to a lifetime of challenges when it comes to apologizing, especially when I thought I was right or misunderstood or that the offended party was being overly sensitive. But I recently discovered that the need for an apology is less about me than the person who, for whatever reason, is offended by something I said or did or failed to do, regardless of my intentions.

I also learned that a sincere apology can be powerful medicine with surprising value for the giver as well as the recipient.

After learning that a neighbor who had assaulted me verbally was furious about an oversight I had not known I committed, I wrote a letter in hopes of defusing the hostility. Without offering any excuses, I apologized for my lapse in etiquette and respect. I said I was not asking for or expecting forgiveness, merely that I hoped we could have a civil, if not friendly, relationship going forward, then delivered the letter with a jar of my homemade jam.

Expecting nothing in return, I was greatly relieved when my doorbell rang and the neighbor thanked me warmly for what I had said and done. My relief was palpable. I felt as if I’d not only discarded an enemy but made a new friend, which is indeed how it played out in the days that followed.

About a week later I learned that, according to the psychologist and author Harriet Lerner, the wording of my apology was just what the “doctor” would have ordered. In the very first chapter of her new book, “Why Won’t You Apologize?,” Dr. Lerner points out that apologies followed by rationalizations are “never satisfying” and can even be harmful.

“When ‘but’ is tagged on to an apology,” she wrote, it’s an excuse that counters the sincerity of the original message. The best apologies are short and don’t include explanations that can undo them.

Nor should a request for forgiveness be part of an apology. The offended party may accept a sincere apology but still be unready to forgive the transgression. Forgiveness, should it come, may depend on a demonstration going forward that the offense will not be repeated.

“It’s not our place to tell anyone to forgive or not to forgive,” Dr. Lerner said in an interview. She disputes popular thinking that failing to forgive is bad for one’s health and can lead to a life mired in bitterness and hate.

“There is no one path to healing,” she said. “There are many roads to letting go of corrosive emotions without forgiving, like therapy, meditation, medication, even swimming.”

Hardest of all, Dr. Lerner said, is to forgive a nonapologetic offender, like my aunt whom I had loved dearly and who served as my second mother after mine died. But when I, raised Jewish, married a Christian, she refused to come to the wedding and never apologized for the intense hurt her absence had caused. Although I made several attempts to restore the relationship, she always managed to deflect them, and to this day, more than half a century later, I cannot forgive her.

The focus of an apology should be on what the offender has said or done, not on the person’s reaction to it. Saying “I’m sorry you feel that way” shifts the focus away from the person who is supposedly apologizing and turns “I’m sorry” into “I’m not really sorry at all,” the psychologist wrote.

As to why many people find it hard to offer a sincere, unfettered apology, Dr. Lerner pointed out that “humans are hard-wired for defensiveness. It’s very difficult to take direct, unequivocal responsibility for our hurtful actions. It takes a great deal of maturity to put a relationship or another person before our need to be right.”

Offering an apology is an admission of guilt that admittedly leaves people vulnerable. There’s no guarantee as to how it will be received. It is the prerogative of the injured party to reject an apology, even when sincerely offered. The person may feel the offense was so enormous — for example, having been sexually abused by a parent — that it is impossible to accept a mea culpa offered by the abusive parent years later.

Righting a perceived wrong can be especially challenging when it involves family members, who may be inclined to cite history — he was abused by his father, or she was raised by a distant mother — as an excuse for hurtful behavior. “History can be used as an explanation, not an excuse,” the psychologist said. “It should involve a conversation that allows the hurt party to express anger and pain if an apology, however sincere, is to heal a broken connection.”

As she wrote: “Nondefensive listening [to the hurt party] is at the heart of offering a sincere apology.” She urges the listener not to “interrupt, argue, refute, or correct facts, or bring up your own criticisms and complaints.” Even when the offended party is largely at fault, she suggests apologizing for one’s own part in the incident, however small it may be.

Dr. Lerner views apology as “central to health, both physical and emotional. ‘I’m sorry’ are the two most healing words in the English language,” she said. “The courage to apologize wisely and well is not just a gift to the injured person, who can then feel soothed and released from obsessive recriminations, bitterness and corrosive anger. It’s also a gift to one’s own health, bestowing self-respect, integrity and maturity — an ability to take a cleareyed look at how our behavior affects others and to assume responsibility for acting at another person’s expense.”

Beverly Engel, the author of “The Power of Apology,” relates how her life was changed by a sincere, effective apology from her mother for years of emotional abuse. “Almost like magic,” she wrote, “apology has the power to repair harm, mend relationships, soothe wounds and heal broken hearts. An apology actually affects the bodily functions of the person receiving it — blood pressure decreases, heart rate slows and breathing becomes steadier.”

Trump Does War

Trump Does War

People who understand global dynamics can be nothing but alarmed. All the rest don’t understand the words.

Many of Trump’s supporters make vigorous arguments about how he’s going to fix their country. That’s all well and good, but they don’t seem to give thoughtful analysis to, and acknowledgment of, the risks and consequences from these serious decisions regarding military action around the world. That’s being out of touch.

Donald Trump’s personality shows clear signs that he will be on a mission to gain street cred as soon as possible, from Day 1 in the Oval Office. He has forced himself into this position of dangerous impulse with his grandiose statements and promises.

It won’t take him long to realize that he’s over-matched, and out of his league to run the country’s domestic agenda with any fluidity and meaningful progress. In fact, most of Trump’s cabinet is as unprepared as he is to lead this country. A more perfectly written script for disaster just could not be written. (See article here:

As Trump realizes the wheels of the biggest changes (his glory moments) don’t move as fast he wants, he will seek out any, and all options, to act out, and fill, his driven need, if not obsession, to show strength and power, and to be applauded by an audience.

He will find those clearest options in war, because that’s what Trump does. In his narrow business, and obsolete, adversarial salesman’s mind, life is always a war. Its black and white. There’s a winner and a loser, and a (Trumpian-branded) simplistic strategy of how to prevail.

He has already sold his soul to Putin, and even he must know the Middle East quagmire has no returns for him. East Asia is the place for him. Its the place that Trump will try to show he’s king of the schoolyard, and in charge of all the chalk lines. This is too dangerous for words. ISIS and the Middle East are skirmishes compared to the risk of armed conflict in this part of the world. The entire Pacific Rim is at risk from military maneuvers here.

North Korea, and China, are problematic. From the nuclear situation and the developing South China Sea controversy, both of them have engaged in little more than patronizing diplomacy. This is not the same style of quagmire of the Middle East, but its still a complicated mash up of power and insecurity, that needs to be addressed. It was bound to test one American President or another eventually.

I am sure that Barack Obama is happy to leave behind these two complex dynamics on someone else’s plate, but as a human being, and a citizen of this country with a family, he has to be concerned of what will come of it.

East Asia needs to be dealt with. Whether Trump is the right American President to do it will come clear soon enough. Its sitting there right in full view, waiting for him to make his move. For him, it may be the easiest move of all. Its what he’s built for.  Trump does war.



I’ve become a man of spells lately…

Dizzy spells

Hearing spells.

Headache spells

Vision spells.

Equilibrium spells

Orientation spells.

Loss of Memory spells

Spells of spells…

I think I know what it is, what they are. Or, I don’t know what it is. Somehow none of them really bother me…anymore.


School’s Out/Barely In

School’s Out/Barely In

What’s up with the half school days here?

Not one to miss an opportunity to recite yet another “When I was a kid….” story, I have to say how annoyed I am with the public school system here in CT. I also can’t miss another opportunity to clarify that I am not a native Connecticutian, or whatever they call themselves here. Nothing I guess.

So the schools here let out at 1:45-2:00pm. What?! I mean, WHAT?!

Is this considered a full day of education in this state? Holy crap. When I was a kid in grade, middle, junior, high, I was in till 3:00-3:30p. Every day. Sometimes. Sometimes. On the rare occasion, we’d get out at 2:30 or 2:45. Wow. Was that great. We lived for those short/er days. But here in CT, god forbid the buses aren’t fully loaded, half out the school driveways by 1:50p.

It would be one thing if US reading scores and aptitudes were good compared to other countries, or just to ourselves. But they aren’t. And worse, kids today are more hampered by useless cultural distractions, and dangerous influences once they get out of a classroom than ever before.

Tax payers are hit enormously with education tariffs in the towns and states where they live regardless of whether they have children or not. Meanwhile, these states and towns have cut back the educational standards for children who need more dedication from municipalities and states. Not less. Parents should know this already when they see their kids done for the day barely after 2pm, only to hop on a skateboard for two hours or waste time in a Froyo store. The schools cut the days to save money, but still lobby for higher taxes. And in the end, what is the net benefit to the kids? What’s the upgrade, if the time is less? A new projector screen? Some re-flooring of the gym floor. Come on, man. That’s what fundraising and benefits are for. There can be no upgrade, if time is slashed. Time is the upgrade.  Hence, time is also a downgrade.

Here’s an older article written in 2011 addressing the problem the way I see it. It still applies. Yes. 

Another from 2010, but (what a surprise) its still relevant. Unfortunately.