Uber has acknowledged that the personal information of 57 million customers and drivers was hacked last year.
I have never trusted the Uber model because I never liked its CEO and co-founder, Travis Kalanick.
The privacy theft UBER engaged in with its app update earlier this year revealed the first public glance at how he ran this business. I am sure most riders let it slide. They shouldn’t have. Kalanick proceeded to get in deeper trouble stealing software, sexually harassing employees, and supporting a trashy workplace culture.
He was finally pushed out by shareholders, but now this!
It’s time for another company to try and provide a sharing service like this. The concept is promising, but I don’t like UBER executing it. Try LYFT. Or just plan ahead and call a cab.
Convenience should not blind us to risk and exploitation. UBER is not to be trusted.
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Uber Data On 57 Million People Stolen In Massive Hack