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The Only Way to Live

To live honestly, is to spend quiet time with ourselves doing nothing but thinking about life, and what we feel about it. Deeply, honestly,

I don’t mean some few random minutes of thumbnail introspection, whilst in the throes of passion, perhaps during a conflict or interaction about our strongest beliefs, followed by making a grand statement or two, spoken aloud, or to ourselves, as we putter around the house, doing laundry, or feeding house pets.   Anybody can do that.

I mean really devoting specifically directed block of time, of thirty or more minutes, in quiet isolation, on a periodic basis, alone with ourselves, free of interruption and distraction, thinking about what we really feel deep inside about who we are, what we want, need, and believe to be most important to help us feel balanced with, and reasonably adjusted to, the complexities, and challenges of life.

It is most important that when spending this time alone to think about who we are, we do so with no pretense, or illusion, on realistic expectations, circumstances beyond our control, or a denial of who we are, innately, instinctively, without apology, guilt, conflict, or hesitancy.

For better or worse, given the benefit or consequences, to face all of this without fear, is the only way to live honestly within oneself. It will help us be who we really are, and it will allow us to live honestly with others.

It is the only way to live..


Recycling Chaos In U.S. As China Bans ‘Foreign Waste’

China’s ban means recycling is piling up at Rogue Waste System in southern Oregon. Employees Scott Fowler, Laura Leebrick and Garry Penning say their only option for now is to send it to a landfill. > Jes Burns/OPB/EarthFix

How ironic, that China, who has been caught red handed tainting everything from pet food to pharmaceuticals, and vitamin and herb supplements, has become oh-so-picky about its recycled imports.

American households, businesses, municipalities do not do a good enough job recycling. Whether its by using outdated inefficient methods for separating, or, by not doing it anywhere near the volume we could be with real dedication. Here in Hamden, there are large communities that do single stream recycling. All kinds of crap thrown in the supposed recycling dumpsters. Really pathetic. Nobody cares. Nobody’s fined. Nobody’s accountable. There’s no excuse for towns to allow single stream recycling anymore. This is a lazy and wasteful cop-out approach to recycling.

Garbage is a daunting issue awaiting us that will eventually cause major global eco stress. Meantime, here’s an impressive video on robotics tackling the sorting challenge…

Recycling Chaos In U.S. As China Bans ‘Foreign Waste’

Like many Portland residents, Satish and Arlene Palshikar are serious recyclers. Their house is coated with recycled bluish-white paint. They recycle their rainwater, compost their food waste and carefully separate the paper and plastic they toss out. But recently, after loading up their Prius and driving to a sorting facility, they got a shock.

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